Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life in little gravity

I dreamt about falling. Not the bad type of falling, but more like the kind where you can jump really high and you know it will hurt a little when you land, but you won't get seriously injured or anything.

Maybe I'm the only one who has those types of dreams.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Jenji posted a funny dream she had about working at a movie concession stand and overhearing President Obama saying they couldn't afford underpants. My dreams aren't usually that humorous, though sometimes they are.

Monday night I dreamt about zombies and natural disaster, in the same dream. First there was wide-spread flooding and after the water went away there was about 10 feet of oozing mud EVERYWHERE. People were stuck in their homes. You couldn't walk in the mud and you definitely couldn't drive in it. There was nothing to eat and everyone had cabin fever.

When I looked out the window I saw people walking effortlessly across the mud and they were in groups and they were ZOMBIES! Aaah! They came toward our house and I want to run away from them but John is telling me, "Don't run! Walk! It's the only way they won't see you! So I've got a zombie right on my tail and he's telling me they can't see me if I walk? I didn't believe him so I started to run and came to a cliff and wanted to jump off but the zombie caught me and tore off my arm or I tore off its arm. One or the other.

Then I'm back inside the house and we're all crowded around in a small room and all of a sudden I realize that the actual devil (not the dentist and not Evil from work) was sitting right there with us. He kept trying to touch me, reaching for my arm or my leg and I kept screaming at him, "STOP TOUCHING ME!"

Then I woke up.

What's really weird is that I just went to Jenji's site to get the link to her funny dream post and saw my favorite Martian's comment on her dream with his OWN dream and it very closely matches MY dream.

Get out of my head, you green tentacled alien!