Monday, September 9, 2013

Creativity Schmeativity

I'm very angry at society for the high value placed on creativity. Creativity is a wonderful thing, don't get me wrong, but it does not need to permeate the normal workplace environment -- at least not to the point of it being valued and prized above all else.

If  you have a company full of creative people, nothing will actually get accomplished. People will sit around all day and think up wild (impractical) things, which is all well and good, but in the meantime nothing is getting done.

I'm the one who knows how to balance a checkbook, how to use directions to find my way around, and remembers to take out the trash -- no one can tell me I shouldn't also serve a valuable resource in this creative-focused society.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Wrong size shoe

There's this white sandal, and I'm trying to force it onto my foot. I'm really confused as to why it's not fitting. Every time I squeeze my foot into it, my big toe starts to curl and it's ripping the shoe. I look at the size and it says "9," or is that a "6"? Either way, it's not my size. It's time to stop trying to force it to fit.