Monday, April 8, 2013

A trip to the grocery store

I have a cart and am going up and down the aisles at the grocery store. They have blocked access and set up ropes to force people to go only one way (like in shopping mall parking lots during the holidays), which makes some of the aisles completely inaccessible. I start to get extremely frustrated that I can't get to the aisle I want so I push aside their blockade and go up the aisle I want. Everyone looks at me in disgust and I don't care.

As I'm moving through their maze, I see KZ on the other side. She sees me but acts like she doesn't know me. It's been 12 years since I've seen her, but I know she remembers me. We pass twice as we move through the maze, and both times there's no sign of recognition. I waved at her both times.

Then I get to the cereal aisle and I can't decide if I want Sugar Smacks, Peanut Butter Crunch, or Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I tried to look at their nutrition labels to pick based on the lowest sugar count, but instead of number values, they've changed to letters to indicate a range and I have no idea what range the letters represent. Also, they moved them to the front of the box instead of the side. In the end, I chose Sugar Smacks.

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